aviation: Volotea is « Europe’s best low-cost airline » according to Skytrax

aviation Volotea is Europes best low cost airline according to Skytrax


The Spanish low-cost airline Volotea won the award for “Best Low-Cost Airline in Europe” from Skytrax. The presentation took place during the Paris Air Show.

According to Carlos Muñoz, Founder and CEO of Volotea: “We are very happy to have received this prestigious award for the first time.” Taking good care of our customers is part of our DNA from day one, combined with very competitive prices , from which more than 50 million customers now benefit. The award is a recognition of all the hard work, dedication and customer focus demonstrated every day by our more than 1,700 crew and employees, as well as our airport partners, since our company was founded some 11 years ago. Congratulations to all of them and many thanks to Skytrax for this recognition”.

According to Skytrax, Volotea is “Europe’s best low-cost airline” first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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