aviation: Republic Airways: Pilots pay $100,000 for early termination

aviation Republic Airways Pilots pay 100000 for early termination


Bonuses for signing a contract are not uncommon when pilots are urgently needed. Now Republic Airways is turning the tables and stating in new contracts that the pilot agrees to a penalty of 100,000 US dollars if he resigns before the end of three years.

Pilots who are already employed by the US regional airline are of course not affected. It’s just about new hires and the fact that many regional carriers like Republic Airways use them as a kind of stepping stone into the cockpit of a larger airline. First officers in particular should often only change employers after a year.

The penalty, which is now recorded in the employment contracts, has been heavily criticized by trade unionists. They believe that such a clause is unlawful and will make Republic Airways even more difficult to find new pilots. Another point that is viewed critically is that the carrier is committed to promoting first officers to captains after just one year and sets the vague condition that you have to « fly as much as possible ».

The article Republic Airways: Pilots have to pay a $100,000 penalty for early termination appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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