aviation: Ice Hockey World Championship: Air Baltic supported by high demand

aviation Ice Hockey World Championship Air Baltic supported by high


Air Baltic airline carried around 26,000 passengers between Latvia and Finland during the Ice Hockey World Championship 2023, which was held in Riga and Tampere. This was 42 percent more travelers compared to April 2023.

Air Baltic operated 42 flights between Riga and Tampere. The carrier also had 2,000 more passengers on the Turku route than in the previous month. On the Helsinki route, the man recorded an increase of 23 percent.

Due to the high demand, a total of eight additional flights were operated from Riga to Tampere on May 27, 28 and 29, 2023. The Latvian team closed the tournament by winning the bronze medal.

The post Ice Hockey World Championship: Air Baltic supported by high demand appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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