aviation: Flying without a flight controller – let’s get started!

aviation Flying without a flight controller lets get started

At AERO 2023, Dr. Michael Erb (AOPA Germany), Guido Frey (Paderborn-Haxterberg Airport), Florian Hose (Regional Council Darmstadt), Tilman Nebelung (AOPA lawyer) and Florian Willers (Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport) under the direction of Thomas Borchert.

The panel discussion in Foyer East took place on April 21 at 10 a.m. The new NfL 2023-1-2792 regulates the fire extinguishing and rescue system in such a way that, in principle, no registered person has to be present at places without commercial traffic. The tips from AOPA-Germany mentioned in the discussion on the subject of « Flying without a flight controller » can be found in the AOPA Letter

About the author

Thomas Borchert

Thomas Borchert started gliding in Uetersen in 1983. A motor glider license followed and finally the PPL in the USA, which was then rewritten in Germany. In 2006 the instrument rating was added. Born in 1962, the qualified physicist came to Fliegermagazin from Stern at the beginning of 2009. He currently flies mainly Cirrus SR22T charter aircraft, preferably on planned trips and also in the USA.


  • podcast
  • AIR 2023
  • Flying without a flight controller
  • AOPA Germany

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