aviation: FH-Joanneum students successful in the USA

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The aviation students at the FH Joanneum in Graz achieved impressive success in the Design-Build-Fly competition of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) in the USA.

With their self-developed model airplane called “Bergfink” they came in fifth place, making them the best international team in the competition. This was Joanneum Aeronautics’ tenth appearance at this prestigious international competition.

The DBF competition challenges participants to throw an aircraft that can function as both a city taxi for passengers and a medical transport vehicle, as well as the ability to halve its wingspan when parked.

The FH Joanneum team impressed the jury with the carbon competition aircraft “Bergfink” and came in fifth place out of a total of 107 participating teams. Even adverse weather conditions on the third day of the competition could not hold the team. “Despite Bender’s windy weather conditions on the third day, our pilot Samuel mastered the challenges with flying colors,” reports Karoline Zeininger, team member of joanneum Aeronautics from the USA. She also emphasized that the knowledge learned from her aviation studies was successfully put into practice. The AIAA DBF competition is held annually and the joanneum Aeronautics team has participated every year since its inception in the 2014/15 season.

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