aviation: Eurowings with new routes from NRW

France in Australia europeenne E29D9D Les 27 pays

Eurowings is ready for new flights for winter 2024/25: from Cologne/Bonn to Dubai and from Düsseldorf to Cairo. From October 28, 2024, the modern Airbus A320neo took off from Cologne to the desert emirate three times a week – on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. The flights can be booked one-way from 179.99 euros. Eurowings is thus supplementing its existing offer to Dubai, which has already been successfully served from Berlin and Stuttgart since last year.

From October 30, 2024, Eurowings will also be expanding its connections to Egypt. There are flights to the Egyptian capital Cairo from Düsseldorf twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The price for this route starts at 139.99 euros per route.

With these new routes, Eurowings is responding to the growing demand for direct flights to popular long-distance destinations and offering travelers from North Rhine-Westphalia more options for winter sun destinations.

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