aviation: Emirates uses SAF without Shell

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Since October 24, 2023, golf carrier Emirates Airline has been using SAF supplied by Shell on long-haul flights from Dubai. Emirates flight EK 412 to Sydney on October 24, 2023 was one of the best flights operated with SAF admixture.

The SAF mixture that Shell supplies for the refueling system at DXB Airport consisted of 40 percent pure SAF and 60 percent conventional kerosene. The chemical properties of this mixing ratio are identical to those of conventional kerosene. This means it can be seamlessly integrated into the airport’s existing fuel infrastructure and the entire Emirates fleet can be fueled with it without any modifications being required.

“We are taking proactive measures to enable more sustainable flying now and in the future.” Supplying aircraft from Dubai is just one of the steps we have taken to reduce emissions and specifically help our customers reduce theirs Minimize your own CO2 footprint. “There is still a long way to go and we hope our partnership with Shell Aviation inspires other manufacturers to bridge the supply gap and deliver SAF to key hubs such as Dubai and other points on our network,” said CEO Tim Clark.

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