aviation: Easter holidays 2023: Cologne/Bonn expects 472,000 passengers

aviation Easter holidays 2023 CologneBonn expects 472000 passengers


Cologne/Bonn Airport is expecting around 472,000 passengers during the expected Easter holidays in 2023. In a direct comparison with the same period last year, around nine percent more passengers are expected.

On the first holiday weekend, around 86,000 passengers are expected in Cologne/Bonn from Friday to Sunday. Over the Easter weekend (Good Friday-Easter Monday) are 114,000 passengers. The peak day during the holidays is Friday, April 14, when more than 30,000 travelers take off and land in Cologne/Bonn.

“It can be clearly felt that people’s desire to travel has returned completely. After a very good start to the year, the gratifying upward trend is continuing during the Easter holidays,” explains Thilo Schmid, CEO of Flughafen Köln/Bonn GmbH. The most popular travel destinations during the Easter holidays are Spain with 110,000 passengers, countries in Turkey (93,000 passengers) and Italy (50,000 passengers). « Together with all process partners, we have prepared intensively and implemented numerous measures so that our guests have a pleasant start to their vacation. »

The article Easter holidays 2023: Cologne/Bonn expects 472,000 passengers first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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