aviation: Dortmund Airport recycles scrap for a good cause

Actualites socialisme Chef de secteur Planification Strategie Appui HF

Dortmund Airport has discarded a lot of equipment and at the same time done something for a good cause. As part of a clean-up operation, equipment that was no longer functional, such as old vehicle components and trailers, was removed from the airport inventory. Iron and metal residues could be sold at a small residual value, which raised a total of around 600 euros, which the airport donated entirely to the Kinderglück Foundation.

The idea was initiated by the team around Bianka Mark, Head of Fleet & Green Spaces at Dortmund Airport. “We are pleased that we can make a positive contribution by recycling our old material and support the Kinderglück Foundation in its projects,” says Bianka Mark. On behalf of him, Sonnhard Osyka, Head of Marketing & Sales, handed over the donation to Kinderglück founder Bernd Krispin.

The Kinderglück Foundation has been supporting disadvantaged children and young people with a variety of projects since 2006. The focus is on supporting and implementing projects in the Ruhr area. Dortmund Airport has been Kinderglück’s official cooperation partner since the beginning of 2023. There are collection boxes on the departure level, before and after security checks, into which passengers and visitors to the airport can deposit their empties.

Last year, donations of empties raised over 23,000 euros, which Kinderglück invested in various aid projects. One example is the school bag project, which annually provides thousands of socially disadvantaged first graders with backpacks for the start of school – around 4,000 last year alone. With the introduction of its own brand “tonton”, Kinderglück has further optimized the handling of the project. In addition to financing through Spend, you now have the opportunity to purchase Tonton backpacks yourself and with every purchase you can help finance another school bag for a good cause.

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