aviation: Armed Forces: Eurofighter label air-to-ground shooting

aviation Armed Forces Eurofighter label air to ground shooting


The Austrian Eurofighter pilots will conduct an air-to-ground firefight at the Allentsteig Training Area from March 27-31, 2023. As part of a training cooperation with Germany, Eurofighters from Tactical Air Force Squadron 74 from Neuburg an der Donau are also taking part in this shooting.

The flights for the shooting training always take place on weekdays, training is only during the day. For the training of the Eurofighter pilots, the continuous and safe handling of the on-board cannon – i.e. in the live shot – is important and necessary. For this reason, the 27 mm cannon is used in the exercise. Two Austrian and up to four German Eurofighters are flown. During the exercise, there will be no stopovers by German Eurofighters in Austria.

There has been intensive cooperation in various areas between the German and Austrian air forces for decades. After the introduction of the Eurofighter weapon system, this was further intensified. As part of this cooperation, a further deepening of skills is planned in addition to the exchange of experiences. In return, the Austrian Eurofighter pilots complete an air-to-air shootout over the open sea in Germany.

The article Bundesheer: Eurofighter label air-to-surface firing first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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