aviation: All Nippon Airways have reactivated Tokyo-Munich

aviation All Nippon Airways have reactivated Tokyo Munich


After a long absence, Japanese Star Alliance member All Nippon Airways celebrated its comeback at Munich Airport on Tuesday, March 28, 2023. The carrier flies again three times a week from Tokyo-Haneda to Bavaria.

Initially, the route will be served three times a week, flight days from Erdinger Moos are Monday, Friday and Saturday. Conversely, the airline flies from Tokyo to Munich on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. « We are very pleased that we can now expand our service between Germany and Japan, which we have already significantly expanded again in 2022, to include Munich. We are currently experiencing very high demand for Japan flights, which we are finding it difficult to service. This also applies to private trips in Germany: Many people have postponed their vacation in Japan and now finally want to travel. The additional flights from Munich help us. We very much hope that we will soon be able to take the Dreamliner to Tokyo/Haneda every day again from southern Germany,” says Maria Petalidou, Head of Sales & Marketing Germany at ANA.

The article All Nippon Airways has reactivated Tokyo-Munich first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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