aviation: Albanian: Ryanair and Wizz Air face fierce competition in Tirana

aviation Albanian Ryanair and Wizz Air face fierce competition in


In the Albanian capital of Tirana, tougher competition is looming between low-cost airlines Wizz Air and Ryanair. The Irish aviation group announced a few days ago that numerous routes will be included at the start of the 2023/24 winter timetable period.

However, Ryanair will not set up a base in Tirana – at least for the time being. The numerous new arrivals are served with machines stationed at other airports. Striking: The vast majority of the routes coincide with those that the competitor Wizz Air already serves. The company reacted promptly to the competitor’s announcement and is increasing its own offer in winter 2023/24.

Albania: Ryanair and Wizz Air face fierce competition in Tirana Post appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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